You know those rubber-backed bathroom rugs that are put in front of the shower and toilet? When I felt they were dirty, I would wash them in the clothes washer. The problem is my husband absolutely forbade me to do this because I broke the washer twice by doing that. Perhaps via an unbalanced load, or more likely - God had a teachable moment planned for me even before I was saved.
I got saved (born again), but still have trouble living according to God’s desires (who doesn't?). I was now painfully aware of every time I lied. Yes, maybe they were little white lies, but I wanted to please the Lord now. Thankfully Philippians 2:13 promises “God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.”
Well, even though I knew I shouldn’t, but I washed those bathroom rugs in the washer machine again. I was so careful to be sure the load was balanced. I stood and watched the washer practically the whole time.
But, didn’t the washer machine break! The water wouldn’t empty out of the drum. OM! Funny now - but at the time I was panicking, big time. I literally struggled for half a day about what to tell my husband. Every bone in my body wanted to remove the rugs and lie about how the washer broke.
I needed God’s help because I decided to tell the truth. I prayed, then walked up to my husband. Needless to say I expected the worst reaction ever. In his defense, and I get it - he was the one who had to fix the washer each time and that usually took between a few hours to a few days. I very calmly looked at him and said “I broke the clothes washer.” “How?” he asked. “I washed the bathroom rugs,” I replied. To my utter amazement he simply said, “I’ll go take a look.” The first wow.
So, I followed him into the laundry room and stood there while he examined it. I waited for the yelling to begin ... but it never did. Finally, he opened that little tiny flip door where the water drain is located, and there he found the problem. A $100 bill was plugging the drain filter. The second wow! After removing the obstruction, the clothes washer was fixed.
I rejoiced inside, and immediately understood the lesson my Father in Heaven was teaching me: “I reward those who walk according to My ways.”
Here's what else I learned from this experience:
1. God goes before us. Months before this my husband had lost that $100 bill. And though we looked everywhere for it, we never found it.
2. God controls ALL things. He can even control people's reactions by putting favor in their hearts toward us, which is why my husband acted so out of character in remaining calm.
3. Trust God even when things are scary.
"Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, My Chosen One; listen and obey and yield to Him!'” (Luke 9:35, AMP).
A Little Lesson from the Wife That Broke the Washing Machine (anonymous DFBC congregant)